Terms of Service

Unrivaled Candles Terms of Service

Unrivaled Candles Terms of Service for our valuable customers.

You must be at least 18 years old to open an Unrivaled Candles account.

You are solely responsible for protecting your own account password and other account information.

Unless you have an active Wholesale Unrivaled Candles account, Unrivaled Candles accounts are for personal use only. That means you can’t sell Unrivaled Candles products to patrons in your spa, hair salon, beauty shop, convenience store, etc.


Do not use Unrivaled Candles if you do not agree to the Terms of Use described above. Your use of Unrivaled Candles means you agree to these Terms of Use.

You were not leaving your cart just like that, right?

You were not leaving your cart just like that, right?

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