Shipping Policies

Unrivaled Candles Shipping Policies

Unrivaled Candles Shipping Policy for our valuable customers.

• All items for sale on our online store are shippable. We currently use USPS, DHL, UPS, and FedEx to ship.

• We will ship your order within 1 – 4 days of receiving payment. We make your candle when you order it. If you need a candle the same day, please call us at 281-241-1994 to select from items we already have crafted.

• We ship to any address on planet Earth that can be accessed by any of the following delivery companies: USPS, DHL, UPS, and FedEx.

• We will email you tracking information after we ship your order.

• We do not offer local pickup without prior notice. Please call 281-241-1994 to schedule a time to pickup and choose a pickup location.

• Our candles are poured in recyclable glass and packaged in recyclable cardboard boxes.

You were not leaving your cart just like that, right?

You were not leaving your cart just like that, right?

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